King Son’s Quality Policy
King Son’s Quality Policy
The Quality Control and Safety of Product
King Son's quality control and assurance policy builds the decisions on
Sustainable machinery
Reduction in errors
Predictive maintenance
100 percent uptime
We are dynamically innovative thinking in King Son’s endless pursuit to satisfy customer needs and provide market the most cutting-edge technologies, product and solution.
We implement, execute and perform strict quality control to ensure safe, reliable products and win the confidence, trust of our customers.
King Son Real-Time Cloud-Based AIoT Operation Tracking and Monitoring APP System and Platform provides multiple parties remote distance servicing and collaboration to consolidate manufacturer support from King Son and perform market local resources in one platform. This allows customers to trust and maintain confidence on King Son AIoT eco-system for FAE/customer support, repair, maintenance and after sales services.
King Son Real-Time Cloud-Based AIoT Operation Tracking and Monitoring APP System and Platform can optimize customer familiarity with aging process and application experiences, which contributes to optimize and fine-tune control programs and application parameters that can predict when the chamber needs maintenance services and what counter measures have to be taken in advance for improving operation.
The Certification Body of TÜV SÜD Asia Pacific TÜV SÜD Group
certifies that King Son Instrument Tech. Co., Ltd. has established and applies
an Environmental Management System for Development, Production and Distribution of Temperature & Humidity Chamber, Walk-In Chamber, Thermal Shock Tester, Oxidation-Free Oven, HAST (Highly Accelerated Stress Tester), High Pressure Accelerating Life Tester and Convertible IFP (Initial Freezing Point) Food-Tech Chamber. An audit was performed, Report No. 718840132. Proof has been furnished that the requirements according to ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 are fulfilled.
King Son is an ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 certified instrument technology company, the quality management to fulfill customer demands is quality. From the earlier R&D design stage to manufacturing process that the only one target is to deliver customers with lab class assurance high quality products. All King Son products must undergo relevant constant reliability, compatibility, and conformity norm. King Son implements product field test with Taiwan’s selected key account corporate partner before mass production.
ISO 9001:2015
ISO 14001:2015 Certificates