King Son Instrument Tech. Co., Ltd.


Constancy IFP Superchilling

What is superchilling

What is superchilling?

  • The term ‘superchilling’, also called partial freezing, light freezing, and deep chilling, which is used to describe a food process and conservation method, where the outer layer, about 10% - 30% of the product's water content is frozen, not complete freezing. During superchilling, the temperature of the product is lowered, often -1.5°C to -2°C, below the initial freezing point of the product. After initial surface freezing, the ice distribution equilibrates and the product obtains a uniform temperature at which it is maintained during preservation. Superchilling has been effectively used for seafood and now there are increasing demands in this process to extend the shelf life of meat. Most traditional equipment producers today do not have required energy and thermodynamic competence to design and control superchilling processes.
  • Superchilling application in food industry
    • Keep Freshness
    • Preservation
    • Thawing
    • Tempering
    • Crust Freezing