King Son Instrument Tech. Co., Ltd.


Japan Suntory Whisky aging

Japan Suntory Whisky aging

Japan Suntory Whisky aged in King Son Convertible IFP Aging Chiller, by King Son Constancy IFP Chilling Technology between 0/32°F and above -5/23°F, initial freezing point (IFP) of wine
  • Aged product: Japan Suntory Whisky
  • Aged conditions: at 18℃±/64.40°F±5.4°F in wine cooler; at-0.8℃±0.3 /30.56°F±0.54°F above Initial freezing point of wine in King Son Convertible IFP Aging Chiller
  • Aged days: 5 days, 13 days, 33 days
  • Wine initial freezing point (IFP): -5/23°F
The PANTONE color, taste, mouthfeel, blind test, PH, EC, sweetness comparison between aged and non-aged Japan Suntory Whisky
The comparison preparation:
  • Keep aged and non-aged Japan Suntory Whisky in room temperature environment for 5 hours to achieve uniform the same evaluation temperature
  • Pours aged and non-aged Japan Suntory Whisky to the same glass for taste comparison
The characteristic difference comparison between aged and non-aged Japan Suntory Whisky
Evaluation under the same temperature environment
Aged at 18°C ±3°C/ 64.40°F±5.4°F in wine cooler
Aged at -0.8°C±0.3℃/30.56°F±0.54°F above Initial freezing point of wine for 5 days
Aged at -0.8°C ±0.3℃/30.56°F±0.54°F,above Initial freezing point of wine for 13 days
Aged at -0.8°C ±0.3℃/30.56°F±0.54°F,above Initial freezing point of wine for 33 days
(more dark color)
Very heavy alcohol aroma 
Low alcohol, toffees aroma, high sweetness and long lasting aroma
Same as the left stated: low alcohol, toffees aroma, high sweetness and long lasting aroma
Same as the left stated: low alcohol, toffees aroma, high sweetness and long lasting aroma
Mouthfeel: Oral wall feeling
Alcohol in the upper jaw
Alcohol is on the upper jaw and left & right of oral wall
Same as the left stated: Alcohol is on the upper jaw and left & right of oral wall
Same as the left stated: Alcohol is on the upper jaw and left & right of oral wall
Throat feel
Strong hot and spicy and stimuli alcohol feeling
Supple sweetness
Same as the left stated: supple sweetness
Same as the left stated: supple sweetness
Whisky and Food Pairing
1. Peng-hupeanut crisp: stronger alcohol
2.RichCut potato chips: Taste not paired
3.Shrimp flavored chips: the taste of whisky is over than the taste of shrimp flavored chips
4.North Sea Cod Fish snack: whisky tastes becomes heavier 

5.Sake VinasseBiscuit: whisky taste is over than the biscuit
6.Peanut: The taste of whisky is over than the peanuts
7.Kadina potato chips: taste not paired  
1.Peng-hu peanut crisp: can bring out the aroma of Peng-hupeanut crisp
2.RichCut potato chips: Taste not paired
3.Shrimp flavored chips: Eat with the shrimp flavored chips that creates a new flavor
4.North Sea Cod Fish snack: tastes paired 
1.Peng-hu peanut crisp:can bring out the aroma of Peng-hupeanut crisp
2.Shrimp flavored chips: Eat with the shrimp flavored chips that creates a new flavor
3.Cola nut: alcohol taste becomes heavier
1.Peng-hu peanut crisp: can bring out the aroma of Peng-hupeanut crisp
2.Sake Vinasse Biscuit: increases brown sugar aroma

3.Peanut: increased peanut aroma

4.North Sea Cod Fish snack: tastes paired 
5.Kadina potato chips: taste not paired   
Blind test for people who don't drink often
More whisky aroma
Same as the left stated: more whisky aroma
more smooth
pH value
EC(electricalconductivity µS/cm)
  • During the aging process, the appearance color of Japan Suntory Whisky does not change due to aging.
  • When aged to 33 days, the most obvious performance is that the uncomfortable alcohol taste produced by low-priced whisky is much reduced.
  • The aged whiskey can be paired with more foods to eat for taste improved and enhanced.
  • The aged whiskey can enhance the flavor of the paired foods.
  • The most obvious change in the aging process measured by the instrument is that increases whisky’s sweetness.